@article{tiwari2023adversariam,title={Overcoming Simplicity Bias in Deep Networks using a Feature Sieve},author={Tiwari, Rishabh and Shenoy, Pradeep},journal={ICML},year={2023},}
Interactive Concept Bottleneck Models
Kushal Chauhan, Rishabh Tiwari, Jan Freyberg, and
2 more authors
@article{chauhan2022interactive,title={Interactive Concept Bottleneck Models},author={Chauhan, Kushal and Tiwari, Rishabh and Freyberg, Jan and Shenoy, Pradeep and Dvijotham, Krishnamurthy},journal={AAAI},year={2023},}
On designing light-weight object trackers through network pruning: Use CNNs or transformers?
Saksham Aggarwal, Taneesh Gupta, Pawan Kumar Sahu, and
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@article{aggarwal2022designing,title={On designing light-weight object trackers through network pruning: Use CNNs or transformers?},author={Aggarwal, Saksham and Gupta, Taneesh and Sahu, Pawan Kumar and Chavan, Arnav and Tiwari, Rishabh and Prasad, Dilip K and Gupta, Deepak K},journal={ICASSP},year={2023},}
GCR: Gradient Coreset Based Replay Buffer Selection For Continual Learning
Rishabh Tiwari, Krishnateja Killamsetty, Rishabh Iyer, and
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@inproceedings{tiwari2021gcr,title={GCR: Gradient Coreset Based Replay Buffer Selection For Continual Learning},author={Tiwari, Rishabh and Killamsetty, Krishnateja and Iyer, Rishabh and Shenoy, Pradeep},booktitle={CVPR},year={2022},}
Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Memory Efficiency in Meta-learning
Arnav Chavan, Rishabh Tiwari, Udbhav Bamba, and
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@inproceedings{chavan2022dynamic,title={Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Memory Efficiency in Meta-learning},author={Chavan, Arnav and Tiwari, Rishabh and Bamba, Udbhav and Gupta, Deepak K},booktitle={CVPR},pages={9851--9860},year={2022},}
Chipnet: Budget-aware pruning with heaviside continuous approximations
Rishabh Tiwari, Udbhav Bamba, Arnav Chavan, and
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@article{tiwari2021chipnet,title={Chipnet: Budget-aware pruning with heaviside continuous approximations},author={Tiwari, Rishabh and Bamba, Udbhav and Chavan, Arnav and Gupta, Deepak K},journal={ICLR},year={2021},}
Rescaling cnn through learnable repetition of network parameters
Arnav Chavan, Udbhav Bamba, Rishabh Tiwari, and
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In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021
@inproceedings{chavan2021rescaling,title={Rescaling cnn through learnable repetition of network parameters},author={Chavan, Arnav and Bamba, Udbhav and Tiwari, Rishabh and Gupta, Deepak},booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},year={2021},}
Multi-plateau ensemble for endoscopic artefact segmentation and detection
Suyog Jadhav, Udbhav Bamba, Arnav Chavan, and
2 more authors
@inproceedings{jadhav2020multi,title={Multi-plateau ensemble for endoscopic artefact segmentation and detection},author={Jadhav, Suyog and Bamba, Udbhav and Chavan, Arnav and Tiwari, Rishabh and Raj, Aryan},booktitle={EndoCV2020 workshop ISBI},year={2020},}